Kevin Johnson I think that New York is the city of all cities. There is so much diversity there. I also like that when I go there, I can catch a play or musical and see some of the most talented people practicing their craft. – Kevin Johnson Catch Quotes Cities Quotes City Quotes Craft Quotes Diversity Quotes Musical Quotes People Quotes Play Quotes Practicing Quotes Talented Quotes York Quotes I just felt all along that if I could get a certain amount of years in the league, have great years and still have my health when I walked away, that would be great. My role model was my grandfather. He instilled in me the feeling that no matter how successful you are you have a responsibility to help others.
E F Schumacher Never let an inventor run a company. You can never get him to stop tinkering and bring something to market. – E F Schumacher
CommunicationZygmunt Bauman We live in a world of communication – everyone gets information about everyone else. There is universal comparison and you don’t just compare yourself with the people next door, you compare yourself to people all over the world and with what is being presented as the decent, proper and dignified life. It’s the crime of humiliation. – Zygmunt Bauman
Mindy Grossman Fear is not a motivating factor. You might be able to get a little bit more out of someone in the short term, but you will completely erode your business and your culture in the long term. You’re going to lose all your good people. You’re not going to have people tell you the truth, and it becomes the tradition. – Mindy Grossman
Jennifer Tilly My mother had all these maxims – like, classy girls never chew gum, never read comic books, never get their ears pierced, never get their hair dyed. – Jennifer Tilly
Rob Manuel Sweet, loveable, and with every click revealing a new surprise, ‘Botanicula’ creates both a wonderful world where bees and twigs play in the universe and sets up a daring story of a group of unlikely heroes taking on a tree’s last hope of survival. – Rob Manuel
Malcolm McDowell Once you commit to something, you’ve got to commit the whole way. Try and make the best of it. – Malcolm McDowell
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