Andrew Keenan-Bolger I think the advent of things like YouTube have made it possible for creators to tell stories cheaply and efficiently and to have a built-in audience. – Andrew Keenan-Bolger Advent Quotes Audience Quotes Builtin Quotes Cheaply Quotes Creators Quotes Efficiently Quotes Stories Quotes Youtube Quotes I am in love with Los Angeles. I think that much of the success of the Broadway mounting of ‘Newsies’ was due in no small part to the infectious camaraderie on stage between the boys.
AttitudeEliza Dushku There is definitely something sexy about a girl with an attitude and a pair of leather pants. – Eliza Dushku
Julia Hartley-Brewer The ‘HIGNFY’ line-up often consists of four male comedians and one lone female TV presenter who barely says a word. Lo and behold, everyone wonders why the men are funnier than the woman! If your actual job is to make people laugh, then you’ll probably be more amusing than someone who reads a teleprompter for a living. – Julia Hartley-Brewer
Grimes When I first started out, I was making really slow, psychedelic ambient music because it was all I could do. – Grimes
Chris Borland My experience over my five years at Wisconsin and my one year in the NFL was that there were times where I couldn’t play the game safely. There are positive measures we can take… but on a lead play, on a power play, there’s violence. – Chris Borland
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