Luke Bryan I think the attraction to country music is the fans, the lure of the hardcore fan base. – Luke Bryan Attraction Quotes Base Quotes Country Quotes Fan Quotes Fans Quotes Hardcore Quotes Lure Quotes Music Quotes You never take your fans for granted. You always appreciate them every show, night in, night out. American Idol allowed us to find Carrie Underwood.
Scott Turow Presumed Innocent’ was written over a six to seven year period with intervals in between where I was figuring out the end of the book and writing other stuff… My life as a writer was carried on against the odds. I had written four unpublished novels by then… as a writer of fiction, I hadn’t gotten very far. I just wanted to do it. – Scott Turow
Peter Jackson People sort of accuse Tolkien of not being good with female characters, and I think that Eowyn actually proves that to be wrong to some degree. Eowyn is actually a strong female character, and she’s a surprisingly modern character, considering who Tolkien actually was sort of a stuffy English professor in the 1930s and ’40s. – Peter Jackson
Jadakiss A father figure is providing for you, as well as showing you things. A big brother is giving you the game and showing you things too – but a father figure is providing for you while he’s showing you things, and raising you. – Jadakiss
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