LearningMichael Rosen I think the best learning takes place when you create an atmosphere of curiosity and excitement. – Michael Rosen Atmosphere Quotes Create Quotes Curiosity Quotes Excitement Quotes Learning Quotes Takes Quotes Hey, I live life by the moment. I have no regrets. I live it to the fullest. I have made a lot of mistakes in my life and I’m learning from them. I’m ‘The Situation.’ Whether were parents, carers, teachers or anyone working with young children, we know that children move easily and often between free play and structured play. One is not better or worse than another, they each offer different experiences, different ways of thinking, and different kinds of learning.
Lexa Doig I thought I wanted to be a brain surgeon until I realized all the schooling it required. I didn’t like school very much so I had to come up with something else. – Lexa Doig
E L James All a writer wants is to be read, and people are so flattering and lovely. I mean, there are witches out there as well. But most are so kind. – E L James
Devi Sri Prasad KK Ji was very close to me. With him I had some of my biggest blockbusters. He was such a down-to-earth and talented person. – Devi Sri Prasad
Dan Colen I used to kind of go for it, right? Like, I’d be the one who would say, ‘All right, there’s Kate Moss. I’m going to try to make out with her.’ – Dan Colen
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