Noel Clarke I think the British industry is set up to support British film, if we make films that enable them to support it. If you don’t make a commercial film, distributors can’t get behind it. If they don’t get behind it, the film doesn’t do well. – Noel Clarke British Quotes Commercial Quotes Distributors Quotes Enable Quotes Film Quotes Films Quotes Industry Quotes Set Quotes Support Quotes I think most people, no matter their status now, have big screen TVs, because they’re the standard TVs now. And so why would you go to the cinema? I was offered and accepted a part in ‘A Few Best Men,’ and then the Australian actor’s union argued that there were too many British actors. And the director decided to lose me.
Jacki Weaver I usually do get to play the very sweet, charming roles… but I’m not an obvious kind of villain. – Jacki Weaver
Arthur SmithRomantic The Romantic poets were the prototype ramblers, and I’ve often found myself following in their footsteps – although perhaps not all of their footsteps since a typical walk for Samuel T. Coleridge might last two days and cover 145km. – Arthur Smith
Heather Mac Donald American students arrive at college knowing almost nothing about history, literature, art, or philosophy. – Heather Mac Donald
AloneRobert CormierTeen I have always had a sense that we are all pretty much alone in life, particularly in adolescence. – Robert Cormier
Lee Daniels My kids tell me to Instagram, so I do that. I have a few thousand followers. – Lee Daniels
Dorothea Dix By all means, have you give great attention to your arithmetic, as its advantages are so many and important. – Dorothea Dix
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