Ari Melber I think the challenge for anyone in a visible industry, whether it’s media, government, or political organizing, is to take serious criticism seriously and not to live in the shadows of the noise and the concern trolls. – Ari Melber Challenge Quotes Concern Quotes Criticism Quotes Government Quotes Industry Quotes Live Quotes Media Quotes Noise Quotes Organizing Quotes Political Quotes Shadows Quotes Trolls Quotes Visible Quotes I remember buying The Fugees’ ‘The Score’ my freshman year and feeling like this whole new world and this whole new conversation was opening up to me. The Bush administration opened several lines of attack against the rule of law and the integrity of an independent Justice Department. The scandals are so famous that they’ve been reduced to shorthand: Abu Ghraib, Guantanamo, NSA, Attorneygate.
Lois Lowry Because I have two houses, I invariably get immersed in a book and then discover it’s at the other house. – Lois Lowry
Philipp Meyer I don’t think you can be taught how to make art. You can be coached, but on a fundamental level you have to figure it out for yourself. You have to learn how your own mind works, figure out your own relationship to the art; you essentially have to invent it completely for yourself. – Philipp Meyer
Asif Kapadia There’s this great TV show we have called ‘Later… with Jools Holland’, a live-music show on Friday nights. Anyone and everyone’s been on it. – Asif Kapadia
BeautyDave Reichert Congress has an obligation to protect our country’s natural beauty, embodied in our nation’s parks, rivers, and breathtaking landscapes. – Dave Reichert
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