Divine I think the least of people’s worries is a man In a dress. – Divine Dress Quotes Peoples Quotes Worries Quotes I don’t live in drag… I don’t sit around in negligees and I don’t wear little Adolfo suits to lunch. Of course, if I had a couple of Bob Mackie outfits, things might be different. My men’s clothes are traditional. I don’t buy trendy clothes. I buy updated classics double breasted, three-piece suits; slacks and either T-shirts or regular shirts. Everything is monogrammed. I used to hate that more than anything. Now there are D’s on everything. It started out as a joke and now, if it doesn’t have a D on it, I wonder why.
Olivia Colman I eat a bit too much; my teeth aren’t perfect; I’ve got eye bags. I look like a normal 39-year-old woman – but in England, no one minds that. – Olivia Colman
James Gosling One of the toughest things about life is making choices. I had a hard time saying ‘no’ to a bunch of other excellent possibilities. – James Gosling
Scott Adsit I’ve been doing improv since high school, and I’ve been getting paid for it since I was 20. – Scott Adsit
Bryan Batt Any of Bette Midler’s concerts should be required viewing for every actor/performer. She has the audience in the palm of her hands at all times and can switch emotions on a dime: Great singer, great actress, great comedian – fearless. – Bryan Batt
Ramakrishna Through selfless work, love of God grows in the heart. Then through his grace one realize him in course of time. God can be seen. One can talk to him as I am talking to you. – Ramakrishna
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