Larry Wall I think the way IBM has embraced the open source philosophy has been quite astonishing, but gratifying. I hope they’ll do very well with it. – Larry Wall Astonishing Quotes Embraced Quotes Gratifying Quotes Hope Quotes Ibm Quotes Philosophy Quotes Source Quotes I’m never satisfied because I’ve been always interested in too many things and I always want to do everything at once. I think software patents are a bad idea. Many patents are given for trivial inventions.
Gary Cherone My favorite Extreme records were the last two. I can’t listen to the first one. – Gary Cherone
Samuel Richardson All human excellence is but comparative. There may be persons who excel us, as much as we fancy we excel the meanest. – Samuel Richardson
Richard Lamm Why give chemotherapy or even antibiotics to people with end-stage Alzheimer’s disease? Keep them pain free and clean, love them but don’t automatically try to get the last technology-produced breath from them. Start a preschool program instead or do something about the atrocious state of obesity in our children. – Richard Lamm
Roger Ebert I am utterly bored by celebrity interviews. Most celebrities are devoid of interest. – Roger Ebert
Donnie Yen I act according to the requirements of the character, and if I try to play the role, then I play it truthfully. In my daily life, I’m a laid-back, peaceful guy. I’m just doing my job to act. – Donnie Yen
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