Danny StrongFamous I think there are a lot more writers who are actors than you know; they just don’t have roles on famous TV shows that you recognize. – Danny Strong Actors Quotes Famous Quotes Lot Quotes Recognize Quotes Roles Quotes Writers Quotes My mother was a famous photographer for actresses, including Sophia Loren, Gina Lollobrigida, and so many. I remember I went to school close to my mother’s studio, and for years, I went to the studio after school and just watched how she captured these beauties. I had to do this very aggressive, big score in a very short time, and knowing that in the beginning, middle, and end would be this very, very famous theme, but I still had to weave a score around it and make it work as a score was really challenging.
Shirley Temple I have one piece of advice for those of you who want to receive the Lifetime Achievement Award: Start early! – Shirley Temple
Kevin Reilly Pilots are useful. You just learn things during a pilot – the piece of casting that just wasn’t right or things about the storytelling nature. – Kevin Reilly
Mal Peet I try to write stories that will attract younger readers and make them feel part of a wider readership. I do not feel able to write books that are about, or even for, teenagers; and I am inclined to be suspicious of books which ‘target’ them. – Mal Peet
Bryan Baeumler The humidity in your home should be between 35 to 40 per cent. Any lower and everything starts to shrink. – Bryan Baeumler
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