Michael Angarano I think there’s an essential problem in movies and TV that I think a lot of people experience now: Audiences are way more interested in the actors than the characters that they’re playing. It’s a strange thing. – Michael Angarano Actors Quotes Audiences Quotes Characters Quotes Essential Quotes Experience Quotes Lot Quotes Movies Quotes People Quotes Playing Quotes Strange Quotes Sometimes you go into a waiting room, and the audition room is right there, and the walls are extremely thin. And you can hear every breath that they’re saying. And you’re used to that. So you go in, and you’re like, ‘Oh, whatever.’
Niklas Zennstrom We have just started, and if you compare the number of people using Skype to the number using a telephone network around the world, we’re still just starting. – Niklas Zennstrom
Robert Zubrin The U.S. federal government may be going broke, but it’s not because of NASA. – Robert Zubrin
Eric Yuan Numerous studies show that people derive more personal satisfaction and are more productive when they engage at a deeper level. In the past, we did that through live, in-person interactions, but it’s more of a challenge for distributed workforces to maintain that level of engagement. – Eric Yuan
Heather Matarazzo I’m 100 percent Irish by birth, grew up Italian, and yet I constantly get cast as playing Jewish. – Heather Matarazzo
Josh Hutcherson My main source of reading is scripts, which doesn’t leave a whole lot of room for books. – Josh Hutcherson
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