Arsene Wenger I think training of better Youth Coaches is essential. – Arsene Wenger Coaches Quotes Essential Quotes Training Quotes Youth Quotes People who work make the world live better and to reward these people well is normal. Yet they are not the people who are the wealthiest. The communist model does not work economically, we all realised that, but the capitalist model in the modern world also looks to be unsustainable.
Derek Walcott Ted Hughes is dead. That’s a fact, OK. Then there’s something called the poetry of Ted Hughes. The poetry of Ted Hughes is more real, very soon, than the myth that Ted Hughes existed – because that can’t be proven. – Derek Walcott
J J Abrams I love movies with spectacle but spectacle can be a performance, it doesn’t have to be a creature. – J J Abrams
Gareth Southgate Always, as a player, you are questioned and challenged about the next step. That’s what drives the very best: they want to continually win. – Gareth Southgate
Lee Tae-min When other people look at K-pop with a more traditional Western lens, or when people listen to it, it may sound like a combination of all different genres. – Lee Tae-min
Frankie Valli I thought everybody had falsetto. And since I wasn’t a schooled singer who studied with anybody, I just thought anybody who had a voice could do anything they wanted with their voice. – Frankie Valli
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