Jim Broadbent I think we all have a selfish gene which rises to the top, sometimes. But then we’re also all capable of a sudden magnanimity. – Jim Broadbent Capable Quotes Gene Quotes Magnanimity Quotes Rises Quotes Selfish Quotes Sudden Quotes I like reflecting the culture I understand best, spotting the idiosyncrasies of British people and revealing them to an audience in a way that amuses is what I find fun. I love a really good storyline.
Jr The beauty of an art project is that you cannot always measure the impact, but one day it can become clear. – JR
Anselm Kiefer I might have been born into a very literal sense of chaos, but in fact that state is true of all of us. – Anselm Kiefer
LearningLindsey Horan I think every single day, I can be doing more or learning something new. – Lindsey Horan
Mehdi Hasan I have a long history of defending, and promoting, free speech and open debate – especially (especially!) within Muslim communities. – Mehdi Hasan
Major Taylor As a reward of their clean living and good habits these great stars have been able to withstand the rigorous test of stamina and physical exertion and have thus successfully extended their most remarkable careers over a period of many strenuous years. – Major Taylor
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