Jake Gyllenhaal I think you hear a lot of people say ‘I support the troops’ and all of that, but I really feel deeply that I do. – Jake Gyllenhaal Deeply Quotes Feel Quotes Hear Quotes Lot Quotes People Quotes Support Quotes Troops Quotes One role blends into the next role. I mean, there’s strange idiosyncrasies from roles that I play that I picked up that will never go away. I think as an actor you have to be open to your emotions – that’s how you tap into other characters. Besides, by being so open I’ve come to terms with how screwed I am!
John Bolton I think that Ronald Reagan had it right, being against abortion except in certain limited, defined circumstances. – John Bolton
Pankaj Mishra The White House tapes, the recordings that Nixon made of his conversations in office, have long been recognized as a marvel of verbal incontinence. – Pankaj Mishra
Balachandra Menon On one occasion I saw a banner where my name read ‘Sarvasri Bharat Balachandra Menon.’ I was amused and decided to find out the reason for this coinage. One of the organizers confessed rather sheepishly that they were sure about me getting the Bharat award but were doubtful if I was a Padma Shri awardee. – Balachandra Menon
Mac DeMarco I like guitar. It just turned out that it’s the instrument I learned to play. I have a lot of respect for it, and I’m learning more and more every day. For me, the classic band setup – guitars, drums, bass – will stay fresh forever. I don’t know. I’m still into it. – Mac DeMarco
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