J August Richards I thought, ‘Oh, this is great,’ because maybe someone who does look like me will watch ‘Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.’ and realize that they can be an actor if they want to be, or they can be a superhero. They can have a hero that looks like them as well. – J August Richards Actor Quotes Agents Quotes Hero Quotes Realize Quotes Shield Quotes Superhero Quotes Watch Quotes The cool thing for me is, I go to a lot of conventions – a lot of science fiction conventions like Comic-Con – and there are always a lot of attendants of color. And I think some people believe that black people or people of color are not into science fiction or hero shows or genre shows. I believe that I’m an actor to this day because of ‘Star Wars.’ I saw ‘Star Wars’ as a child, and I was completely enamored by it.
Ara Parseghian In my own opinion, psychology in football is far more important than anyone believes, including the coaches. – Ara Parseghian
Gaines Adams I’m a four-down guy. I can rush the passer and stop the run. I know I can be a difference-maker. – Gaines Adams
Blythe Masters If you exclude your talent base from the benefits of hiring and deploying and making women successful, you’re going to do less well than businesses that do a better job on that front. – Blythe Masters
Abdullah Ahmad Badawi We have followed a path of moderation, development is our priority, national unity, good community relations, Muslims and non Muslims, this is what has given us the advantage. – Abdullah Ahmad Badawi
Clive Cussler I purchased a 1955 Rolls-Royce that my wife liked because it was new the year we were married. Then came a 1926 Hispano-Suiza Cabriolet that I bought at my first classic car auction after I had three martinis. As more cars were added, I had to buy a warehouse. – Clive Cussler
Colleen McCullough There’s a hell of a lot of horny people out there who are not being gratified in the way they should be. – Colleen McCullough
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