Steve Eisman I thought that there would never again be an opportunity to be involved with an industry as socially destructive and morally bankrupt as the subprime mortgage industry. I was wrong. The for-profit education industry has proven equal to the task. – Steve Eisman Bankrupt Quotes Destructive Quotes Education Quotes Equal Quotes Forprofit Quotes Industry Quotes Involved Quotes Morally Quotes Mortgage Quotes Opportunity Quotes Proven Quotes Socially Quotes Subprime Quotes Task Quotes Wrong Quotes Once in a blue moon, an entire industry is a good short. Elon Musk is a very, very smart man, but there are a lot of smart people in this world, and you’ve got to execute. He’s got execution problems.
Donald Driver I play in front of 70,000 fans week in and week out, and I may drop the ball in practice, I may run the ball the wrong way, but once it’s game time, it’s game on. – Donald Driver
Rick Santorum People of faith, people of no faith, people of different faith, that’s what America is all about; it’s bringing that diversity into and challenge of the different ideas that motivate people in our country. That’s what makes America work. – Rick Santorum
Julia Davis I think, in comedy, you only hit about one or two great characters in your career. Sometimes my character will be just a sketch… what is the funniest situation to put this person in? – Julia Davis
AnniversaryMax Boot The 60th anniversary of the atomic bombing of Hiroshima on Aug. 6, 1945, has not so far provoked the kind of anguished debate that accompanied the 50th anniversary. The lack of controversy is fitting because there wasn’t much soul-searching at the time. – Max Boot
Gabrielle Giffords People have told me that I’m courageous, but I have seen greater courage. – Gabrielle Giffords
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