Paula Garces I told everybody that I was going to be an actress in Hollywood one day. People looked at me like I was crazy. – Paula Garces Actress Quotes Crazy Quotes Day Quotes Hollywood Quotes Looked Quotes People Quotes Told Quotes I am a big, big geek at heart and a Sci-fi fan. And I love the Comic-Cons. People tell me being a perfectionist is a fault, but I find that’s what drives me.
Ben Stiller I don’t think the public is dying to see me necessarily be funny all the time. – Ben Stiller
Keith Belling We have 11 great potato flavors, and customers have been clamoring for tortilla. For over a year, we worked to develop the four flavors of tortilla popchips: chili limon, nacho cheese, ranch and salsa. They’re made with traditional stoneground masa, are gluten-free, and have less than half the fat of other chips. – Keith Belling
Christian BaleCoolMovies There are movies where actors aren’t characters but movie stars, being cool beyond belief throughout the whole movie. That is what it is. And we reveal ourselves when we act, very often without noticing. But if I can manage to do a character without showing anything of myself, then that’s the ultimate goal for me. No leakage. – Christian Bale
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