Matt Czuchry I took a theater class in college and loved it. – Matt Czuchry Class Quotes College Quotes Loved Quotes Theater Quotes I am a very private person, but when you get recognized, it’s an opportunity to make somebody’s day. In the fourth-grade talent show, my buddies and I dressed up like the California Raisins – they were big then! – and lip-synched.
Margrethe Vestager Few people think about politics every day. But they are in the market every day. – Margrethe Vestager
George Mikan New York is the center of commerce news media, television, advertising dollars. – George Mikan
FoodYogi Berra You better cut the pizza in four pieces because I’m not hungry enough to eat six. – Yogi Berra
Annie Jacobsen Anyone who’s read my ‘Terror in the Skies’ series knows that I have not been writing with an eye toward approval from any government agency. – Annie Jacobsen
Rostam Batmanglij Even though I’ve been making electronic music since I was 14, it’s hard for people to see you as a producer with a musical identity when you’re contextualized in a band that performs on a stage. – Rostam Batmanglij
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