Chesley Sullenberger I took my first flying lesson in 1967, when I was 16. By October 1968, I had 70 hours in the air and got my pilot’s license. – Chesley Sullenberger Air Quotes Flying Quotes Hours Quotes Lesson Quotes License Quotes October Quotes Pilots Quotes I’m less shy now than I was as a kid. After Flight 1549, my family and I had to become public figures and more complete versions of ourselves. I had to teach myself to become an effective public speaker.
Masego It’s really easy to hide in metaphor or hide in a solo or instrumentation, but when you’re saying explicitly this is how I feel it’s a bit different – it makes you a more vulnerable person. – Masego
Andy Jassy Customers will always be nervous about lock-in, and I think the experience they had particularly with a company like Oracle, where it’s a really hard thing to get out of, and they’re so hostile to their customers, that I think it’s a concern for every enterprise. – Andy Jassy
Ron Lewis Our safety at home and the cause of freedom abroad is largely contingent upon our success in Iraq. – Ron Lewis
Howard Fast I always thought that socialism here would be peculiarly American, with some reasonable, post-industrial evolution between working-class needs and market forces. It won’t be bloody like the Russian Revolution. – Howard Fast
Ruby Rose Gender fluidity is not really feeling like you’re at one end of the spectrum or the other. For the most part, I definitely don’t identify as any gender. I’m not a guy; I don’t really feel like a woman, but obviously I was born one. So, I’m somewhere in the middle, which – in my perfect imagination – is like having the best of both sexes. – Ruby Rose
AttitudeJames Truslow Adams Seek out that particular mental attribute which makes you feel most deeply and vitally alive, along with which comes the inner voice which says, ‘This is the real me,’ and when you have found that attitude, follow it. – James Truslow Adams
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