Amy Carlson I trained for the marathon. I run along the East River, and I used to run all the way down Manhattan, up the West Side and back home. – Amy Carlson East Quotes Manhattan Quotes Marathon Quotes River Quotes Trained Quotes West Quotes Cop families have guns in their houses. It’s a bigger question for mothers. When is the right time to introduce to your children the things that could hurt them? But not having the knowledge could hurt them. I’m a restaurant junkie.
Maurizio Sarri London is a wonderful city, but I am here for Chelsea. It’s 100 per cent hard work, 90 per cent fun. – Maurizio Sarri
Jenna Morasca When animals age, some humans see them as less valuable, less important and less entertaining. – Jenna Morasca
Elaine Stritch I love holidays in New York. I love ’em. I want to celebrate something all the time, and New York has holidays for every day of the week, practically. I like holidays in New York City. – Elaine Stritch
Ashley Graham For 10 years, I’d been told I was always going to be a catalogue girl, never a cover girl. Well, I got with IMG and did five covers in a year, boom, boom, boom. – Ashley Graham
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