El-P I tried to get Steven Seagal for my ‘Stepfather Factory’ video in 2002. – El-P Factory Quotes Seagal Quotes Stepfather Quotes Steven Quotes Video Quotes Rap music deserves truth, and it deserves spontaneity. Run The Jewels, me and Mike, and our connection and everything, came out of a period of time where I had personally lost everything.
Patrick Whitesell I started at an agency called Intertalent. You copy scripts, you pick up people’s dry cleaning, you take their dogs to the vet, you deliver packages, you do whatever they want you to do. – Patrick Whitesell
Barbara Januszkiewicz If you look at how beautiful the eye can be, it has its own inside patterns and colors. – Barbara Januszkiewicz
Angela Rayner During the 2010 election campaign, Liberal Democrat candidates, including Swinson, signed the National Union of Students pledge to vote against tuition fees. Looking back, students were among the first to see the reality of the Liberal Democrats in government. – Angela Rayner
Steve Jurvetson There aren’t many sources of money in San Diego, apart from local partnerships and local investors. It’s pretty starkly polarized to Silicon Valley. – Steve Jurvetson
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