Beth Ostrosky Stern I truly believe in Claritin. I’m actually allergic to cats, and whenever my eyes get watery, I just pop a Claritin. – Beth Ostrosky Stern Allergic Quotes Cats Quotes Claritin Quotes Eyes Quotes Pop Quotes Watery Quotes My husband and I witnessed firsthand how love truly heals. When cats scratch the furniture, it’s only because they’re trying to sharpen their claws, which means they get so long that they want to grind them down. So if you trim their claws routinely, it helps tremendously.
Fernando Torres My son is a Liverpool fan, and he was already kicking a ball before he was one. He was born in the football city; he had no choice. – Fernando Torres
Landon Donovan The advantage doesn’t come because you can run more than someone over 90 minutes. The advantage comes when, in the tenth minute, I’m sprinting back and making another guy chase me. By the end of the game, that guy’s worn down, but I can still keep going at the same pace. – Landon Donovan
Francis CollinsIntelligence I believe God did intend, in giving us intelligence, to give us the opportunity to investigate and appreciate the wonders of His creation. He is not threatened by our scientific adventures. – Francis Collins
Roger Daltrey But contrary to what some people seem to think, I was never a bully. I was just a hard man. – Roger Daltrey
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