Dean Koontz I try not to spend too much time on partisan politics. Life’s too short for that. I don’t really believe that there have been many human problems solved by politics. – Dean Koontz Human Quotes Lifes Quotes Partisan Quotes Politics Quotes Short Quotes Solved Quotes Spend Quotes Time Quotes I’ve not seen in my lifetime any politician who is a heroic figure. The manipulation that all politicians use on one level or another is so transparent. I have to admit that when I watch a movie in which there is no moral context for the violence – I find that offensive. I think that’s potentially damaging to society.
BusinessDesignLeadershipMel Robbins There’s a lot of buzz words in the business world these days – Design thinking, innovation, fast-failure, disruption, cross-functional leadership – and at the heart of every one of these concepts is the ability for people to make small moves forward, learn, iterate. – Mel Robbins
Morgan Freeman It can have an enormous effect because big budget movies can have big budget perks, and small budget movies have no perks, but what is the driving force, of course, is the script, and your part in it. – Morgan Freeman
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