Matt Riddle I try to be as humble as possible, but I’m just on another level. That’s all there is to it. – Matt Riddle Humble Quotes Level Quotes There’s guys like Daniel Bryan and CM Punk that incorporated mixed martial arts submissions and moves into professional wrestling. I feel like the way it was incorporated was really good, but there’s not enough people doing it. I’m just not very good at holding on to jobs.
Nicholas HaslamRomanticSmile I tend to look out for things with a resonance to my youth – artists or objects that seemed romantic all those years ago. I never buy anything purely for its value. I like possessions that smile back at me. – Nicholas Haslam
Al Pacino My first language was shy. It’s only by having been thrust into the limelight that I have learned to cope with my shyness. – Al Pacino
Sandro Veronesi Women have more energy, for a greater number of years, than men. Men, as they age, become either more wise or more stupid. – Sandro Veronesi
James Murray The idea for ‘Awakened’ came to me one night on my long commute home to Bay Ridge, Brooklyn. The subway station was empty and eerily quite, and I could barely see into the darkened tunnel ahead. The further I peered, the darker the tunnel became. I wondered what could live in there… or under there. – James Murray
Nicholas D'Agosto I had never done anything like I had done in ‘Masters of Sex.’ Those are some very adventurous scenes. – Nicholas D’Agosto
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