David Ortiz I try to be as quiet as I can at the plate, but still aggressive. – David Ortiz Aggressive Quotes Plate Quotes Quiet Quotes I’m a winner, I play to win, I want to make good things go on around me. My mom, she’s still always there for me. Always.
Emmeline PankhurstHome My childhood was protected by love and a comfortable home. Yet, while still a very young child, I began instinctively to feel that there was something lacking, even in my own home, some false conception of family relations, some incomplete ideal. – Emmeline Pankhurst
Billy Joel I don’t care what consequence it brings, I have been a fool for lesser things. – Billy Joel
Arlie Russell HochschildParenting No work-family balance will ever fully take hold if the social conditions that might make it possible – men who are willing to share parenting and housework, communities that value work in the home as highly as work on the job, and policymakers and elected officials who are prepared to demand family-friendly reforms – remain out of reach. – Arlie Russell Hochschild
Jesse Ventura If you start studying history closer, you’ll find that most all wars are based on false flag operations to get people – to convince the people that they’re under attack in some way so that they will support the wars. – Jesse Ventura
Grace Helbig I realize I’ve had this spirit-animal relationship with sweatpants. In a past life, I probably was a pair of sweatpants. There’s something beautifully simple but highly underestimated about them. – Grace Helbig
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