LL Cool J I try to do the right thing with money. Save a dollar here and there, clip some coupons. Buy ten gold chains instead of 20. Four summer homes instead of eight. – LL Cool J Chains Quotes Clip Quotes Coupons Quotes Dollar Quotes Gold Quotes Homes Quotes Money Quotes Save Quotes Summer Quotes We’re going to raise a lot of money for cancer awareness, give some to the American Cancer Society and hopefully make a big difference. Stand up and face your fears, or they will defeat you.
Brian De Palma But, number one, I think traditional noir doesn’t work in contemporary storytelling because we don’t live in that world anymore. – Brian De Palma
Jerry Lewis A woman doing comedy doesn’t offend me, but sets me back a bit. I, as a viewer, have trouble with it. I think of her as a producing machine that brings babies in the world. – Jerry Lewis
Anand Giridharadas We know that enlightened capital didn’t get rid of the slave trade. – Anand Giridharadas
Britne Oldford I admire artists who really take risks and aren’t afraid to do smaller movies and obscure, abstract things. It would be really cool if my career neared that. – Britne Oldford
Ben Affleck I’m always described as ‘cocksure’ or ‘with a swagger’, and that bears no resemblance to who I feel like inside. I feel plagued by insecurity. – Ben Affleck
Sam Brownback I want to expand the compassionate conservative agenda. I believe life begins in the womb, and we should protect it. But it extends to a child in Darfur or someone living in poverty. – Sam Brownback
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