Gordon LightfootPositive I try to keep it light and positive most of the time, whereas earlier on I didn’t always do that. – Gordon Lightfoot Earlier Quotes Light Quotes Positive Quotes Time Quotes I am suggesting that as we go through life, we ‘accentuate the positive.’ I am asking that we look a little deeper for the good, that we still our voices of insult and sarcasm, that we more generously compliment and endorse virtue and effort. Self-love, it is obvious, remains always positive and active in our natures.
Sam Yagan I remember sitting in on meetings where everyone in the room was twice as old as I was. – Sam Yagan
Roman Coppola I’m a writer and director, and the movie I’ve seen a million times is ‘Stardust Memories’ by Woody Allen, starring Woody Allen and Charlotte Rampling. – Roman Coppola
Daniel Alarcon I write in English because I was raised in the States and educated in this language. – Daniel Alarcon
Lord Robertson But we acted pre-emptively in Kosovo in 1999 to stop Milosevic from doing what he was doing and increasingly doing the ethnic cleansing in a systematic way. – Lord Robertson
Cecily von ZiegesarTeen I decided that, if I were to write a teen series, I’d want to set it in a place that was familiar to me – Manhattan, where I’d grown up – and I’d model the characters on myself and my friends. – Cecily von Ziegesar
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