Antony Armstrong-JonesSympathy I try to photograph with love and sympathy. – Antony Armstrong-Jones Love Quotes Photograph Quotes Sympathy Quotes Kindliness and sympathy, fellowship and understanding, are always good, but best when they come from a distant corner of the world. The professional must learn to be moved and touched emotionally, yet at the same time stand back objectively: I’ve seen a lot of damage done by tea and sympathy.
Brett Kavanaugh Like civil suits, criminal investigations take the president’s focus away from his or her responsibilities to the people. – Brett Kavanaugh
Martin Van Buren The law increasing and organizing the military establishment of the United States has been nearly carried into effect, and the Army has been extensively and usefully employed during the past season. – Martin Van Buren
Amitava Kumar I’ve immersed myself in reading more and more of American literature, but no editor has asked me to comment on Jonathan Franzen or Jennifer Egan. It is assumed I’m an expert on writers who need a little less suntan lotion at the beach. – Amitava Kumar
Matt Lucas It’s very likely that graduates, current employees and retirees have some wonderful pieces of Deer Park history in their closets or garages. – Matt Lucas
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