Don Felder I try to write five or six songs each year and not just in one genre. – Don Felder Genre Quotes Songs Quotes Write Quotes Every once in a while, it seems like the cosmos part, and something great plops into your lap. My story, is how a kid that’s born into really destitute poverty on a little dirt road in Florida winds up in one of the largest bands in history.
BestJon Watts It doesn’t matter whose idea it is or where it came from or when it arrived in the process. The best idea is the best idea no matter what. – Jon Watts
Jose Marti Perhaps the enemies of liberty are such only because they judge it by its loud voice. – Jose Marti
Adam HochschildWar The first World War in so many ways shaped the 20th century and really remade our world for the worse. – Adam Hochschild
FaithJoni Eareckson Tada In the Christian faith, God really puts suffering front and center. He doesn’t get squeamish about it. – Joni Eareckson Tada
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