Natasia Demetriou I used to be a nanny and the kids used to laugh at me when I’d say ‘Shall we paint something?’ They just wanted to go on their iPads. – Natasia Demetriou Ipads Quotes Kids Quotes Laugh Quotes Nanny Quotes Paint Quotes You just get satisfaction from achieving something that you just don’t get in any other way than from being creative. I think being creative and making something that you can look at is so good for your brain and your soul. Nothing beats it.
Jessica Long Each year the excitement and the build-up for the Paralympics Games has grown more and more. – Jessica Long
Megyn Kelly I don’t see myself as some television star; I see myself as a girl from Albany. – Megyn Kelly
Dean Ambrose The first time that somebody handed me a sheet of paper with a promo on it, it was like a ‘throw up in your mouth’ kind of moment. And it’s not, like, their fault, you know? It’s not the writers’ fault. But if was my world, there would be no written promos; there’d be no scripts. – Dean Ambrose
Richard O'Brien I’ve never been driven by fame or money or anything like that. It’s never been part of my psyche. – Richard O’Brien
Bill de Blasio I know the ugly history of corporate welfare, and that’s not New York City’s future. – Bill de Blasio
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