BirthdayJohnny Vegas I used to be good with kids, but as I get older, I’m grumpy and terrible with them. As for doing a gig at a 6-year old’s birthday party, you couldn’t pay me enough. – Johnny Vegas Birthday Quotes Gig Quotes Grumpy Quotes Kids Quotes Olds Quotes Party Quotes Pay Quotes Terrible Quotes I was born full grown in the middle of a hurricane and an earthquake on 10 September 1954, 12.52 P.M. When I found out that I had missed lunch, I gave such a shout that the Earth stopped and spun backwards two days. That’s why I celebrate my birthday on 8 September. I’m a humungous Browns fan. My 30th birthday was actually at the Browns’ stadium.
Aretha Franklin I’m never tired of going to the studio. I enjoy recording and documenting everything and trying new things. – Aretha Franklin
Patton Oswalt Like, my feelings on religion are starting to morph. I’m still very much an atheist, except that I don’t necessarily see religion as being a bad thing. So, that’s a weird thing that I’m struggling with that seems to be offending both atheists and people that are religious. – Patton Oswalt
BestLifeViggo Mortensen One of the best pieces of advice I ever got was from a horse master. He told me to go slow to go fast. I think that applies to everything in life. We live as though there aren’t enough hours in the day but if we do each thing calmly and carefully we will get it done quicker and with much less stress. – Viggo Mortensen
Jermell Charlo The fans are able to see us, seeing what life is like for the Charlos. – Jermell Charlo
Brandi Rhodes I’ve never broken a bone, I’ve never even sprained anything, so to be overseas and have my clavicle broken in two places was a bang-up job done by me. – Brandi Rhodes
John Oliver Armando Iannucci is one of my heroes. As I was growing up, he was probably the most influential comic voice that I had. – John Oliver
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