Laurel Van Ness I used to live in Devon when I was 8 years old. My mum, my grandma, and grandpa are all British. – Laurel Van Ness British Quotes Devon Quotes Grandma Quotes Grandpa Quotes Live Quotes Mum Quotes I found that when I went to the ring as a bad guy, people hated that I took care of myself. That I went to the gym, that I had hair extensions, that I put makeup on. They hated that I was a girly-girl. I thought, OK, I’m going to crank that up to 110 percent and make people really annoyed. The name Laurel is such a strange choice because I think when you look at me there’s not one person that says ‘Oh yeah, I could see you as a Laurel.’
MomSarah Snook You know when you have a party as a kid, and your mom hires a fairy, princess, or superhero to come host the party? I was Fairy Lavender. I loved it. It was good training for theater. – Sarah Snook
iO Tillett Wright Where I come from, if you weren’t a drag queen or a radical thinker or a performance artist of some kind, you were the weirdo. – iO Tillett Wright
John Dolmayan As long as we were making music that we felt was of the same quality, there was no reason to stop making records, but not everybody in the band shares my mindset for whatever reason. – John Dolmayan
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