Alvin Leung I used to love eating rice and noodles, and that was all carbs, so I had to cut that out. I started eating mostly salads. – Alvin Leung Carbs Quotes Cut Quotes Eating Quotes Love Quotes Noodles Quotes Rice Quotes Salads Quotes Started Quotes I don’t sleep. I have a notepad next to my bed. In London, the food critics are harsher, the clients milder; in Hong Kong, the clients are harsher, the critics milder.
Robin DiAngelo We have always policed the bodies of people of color, and black people in particular. The Jim Crow South is a classic example. White flight in the North. School segregation. Gerrymandering. – Robin DiAngelo
Ben Shahn I did take my camera along, as I felt there wouldn’t be enough time to draw the things I wanted to do. I did some drawing and did a lot of photography but I was not part of Stryker’s outfit at all. – Ben Shahn
Felix Dennis There are jobs, particularly database-oriented ones, for which computers are necessary, but for everyday office life, I question whether they have brought the productivity that their enormous cost, up to £10,000 per person, demands. – Felix Dennis
Patty Judge I think it is possible to meet people in the middle, to have a discussion even though you may not agree on solutions, and find some common ground and get to consensus. – Patty Judge
George Carey One I’ve been passionately committed to, of course, is women’s ministry; I believe solidly in it as a Gospel issue and we’ve found our way through that. – George Carey
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