Masahiro Sakurai I used to work at HAL, where I made ‘Kirby’ and ‘Smash Bros.’ After that, I became an independent designer, but I didn’t have my own team. – Masahiro Sakurai Bros Quotes Designer Quotes Hal Quotes Independent Quotes Kirby Quotes Smash Quotes Team Quotes In the arcades, when I was younger, there was a game called ‘King of Fighters 95,’ and I thought I was pretty good. I had a 50-strong win streak on ‘Street Fighter 2’ around that time. In the past, I worked for HAL, and when working there, I had limitations and had restrictions on what I could create. They wanted me to make the next ‘Smash Bros.’ and the next ‘Kirby,’ and that wasn’t the place for me.
Gene Luen Yang In my classroom, I would start my lessons with a quick review of an old topic. Then, I would introduce a new topic. Finally, I would give my students a problem to solve on their own, one that would reinforce what I’d just taught. – Gene Luen Yang
Loris Karius My father didn’t watch football, and it was my grandad who got me in to it. – Loris Karius
Michael Clarke Guys only really have watches and cars as show pieces, and that’s why so many men love their watches – it’s our show piece, it’s our style. And what I like especially about Hublot is the variety. – Michael Clarke
Bill O'Reilly Every time I am tempted to buy some dopey thing, I hear my late father’s voice: ‘Do you really need that?’ He was big on saving money and buying as much security as possible. He also encouraged charitable giving. So, I am responsible with currency. – Bill O’Reilly
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