Cliff Williams I very rarely play with my fingers anymore. Again, with the flatwounds, the pick gives me a really nice solid punch. – Cliff Williams Fingers Quotes Flatwounds Quotes Nice Quotes Pick Quotes Play Quotes Punch Quotes Rarely Quotes Solid Quotes Because of my father’s job, the family moved a lot. I was born in London, but we moved to Liverpool because the company that he worked for transferred him. For decades, I’ve used flatwounds everywhere – studio and live. I prefer the punch and the fatness of a flatwound string. I played wires when I was younger, but they have too much clatter for what I want.
Joseph O'Neill I think if you’re writing about cricket, you’re obviously writing about power, because cricket is such a loaded sport, much more so than soccer. – Joseph O’Neill
Mary Tyler Moore When the doctor said I had diabetes, I conjured images of languishing on a chaise longue nibbling chocolates. I have no idea why I thought this. – Mary Tyler Moore
Chris Young If you aren’t already a songwriter, try it. When you can say what you want to say, in your own words, it’s incredibly easy to show an audience who you are. – Chris Young
KnowledgeLao Tzu Those who have knowledge, don’t predict. Those who predict, don’t have knowledge. – Lao Tzu
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