Linus Torvalds I very seldom worry about other systems. I concentrate pretty fully on just making Linux the best I can. – Linus Torvalds Concentrate Quotes Linux Quotes Pretty Quotes Seldom Quotes Systems Quotes Worry Quotes The fame and reputation part came later, and never was much of a motivator, although it did enable me to work without feeling guilty about neglecting my studies. Helsinki isn’t all that bad. It’s a very nice city, and it’s cold really only in wintertime.
Jo Cox Who can blame desperate parents for wanting to escape the horror that their families are experiencing? – Jo Cox
Geoffrey Rush There’s four biggies. There was Elizabeth I, George III, Victoria, and the current queen, who really dominated four eras. – Geoffrey Rush
Jonathan Powell Politicians do not enter into wars lightly. It is usually the military themselves who are keener to become involved. – Jonathan Powell
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