Seymour Cassel I wait for something good or something that will be fun. But they’ve got to pay me if they want me to work. – Seymour Cassel Fun Quotes Pay Quotes Wait Quotes I am a performer; that’s what I like to do. Independent film is film that has thought in it. There’s no independent thought in studio films. It’s collective thought.
Dylan McDermott With the rise of cable, network is clearly floundering because the characters on cable are far more fascinating than they are on network. Network television is trying to figure it out. Network television really relies on story rather than character, and cable relies on character. – Dylan McDermott
Brit Marling Writing so that I can act became a way of having not more control over my future but not having to wait for permission. You can choose yourself. Hmm, who should play this part? I nominate me! – Brit Marling
Maajid Nawaz Preying on the grievances of disaffected young men is the bedrock of Islamism. – Maajid Nawaz
Diablo Cody Put your blog out into the world and hope that your talent will speak for itself. – Diablo Cody
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