Jay IDK I wanna be the most successful socially aware artist: Grammys, number one singles, albums, overseas and internationally-known household name, all that. – Jay IDK Albums Quotes Artist Quotes Aware Quotes Grammys Quotes Household Quotes Internationallyknown Quotes Overseas Quotes Singles Quotes Socially Quotes Successful Quotes Wanna Quotes I’m going to be the first rapper to win the Nobel Peace Prize. I don’t know exactly what it would be for, specifically, but I want it to be a change I make in the world with my music. People have compared me to Lupe Fiasco, Kanye West, Eminem, and J. Cole. They bring substance and largely are all good storytellers, and those are two of my biggest strengths. It’s dope to be compared to people who have longevity in the game because that’s the most important thing for me: I want my name to live forever.
John Ortberg I don’t have a problem with delegation. I love to delegate. I am either lazy enough, or busy enough, or trusting enough, or congenial enough, that the notion leaving tasks in someone else’s lap doesn’t just sound wise to me, it sounds attractive. – John Ortberg
Mario Cuomo David Robinson chose to stay at Navy. He talked about commitment, loyalty and values. I wonder how many of us would choose these virtues rather than the chance of becoming a millionaire, especially if you were a college sophomore when you had to make that choice. – Mario Cuomo
Daryl Davis What we do too much of is, we talk about each other, we talk at each other, or we talk past each other. I have found that talking with each other is much more effective. – Daryl Davis
Sonia Rykiel I’m not brave, I’m not fantastic. I’m like any other woman. I’m unhappy. I’m difficult. I’m sad. Am I strong, too? Maybe, but not always. There are days when I don’t want to see anyone. The most important thing you learn? You can live with it. – Sonia Rykiel
FriendshipJacqueline Woodson Friendship is such an important thing to me, and I feel like the people who I love and help keep me whole – I can’t imagine a life without them. – Jacqueline Woodson
FaithPatrick WilsonReligion There are a lot of Christian fundamentalists; there are a lot of Muslim extremists. Every religion – Mormonism – has something way on the side that’s completely using the religion as some weird backbone for their twisted faith. It has nothing to do with their religion. – Patrick Wilson
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