Leland Stanford I want, in this school, that one sex shall have equal advantage with the other, and I want particularly that females shall have open to them every employment suitable to their sex. – Leland Stanford Advantage Quotes Employment Quotes Equal Quotes Females Quotes School Quotes Sex Quotes Suitable Quotes In a very alert and bright state of society people learn co-operation by themselves, but in older and quieter conditions of laboring enterprise, such a bill as I propose will point out the way to mutual exertion. Government itself is founded upon the great doctrine of the consent of the governed, and has its cornerstone in the memorable principle that men are endowed with inalienable rights.
EqualityMatt Sydal The internet has given pure equality to everyone. The cream rises to the top. It is the era of not take a job, but create your own job. – Matt Sydal
Jim Watkins Our company has built and maintained a digital forum that is the place where opposing viewpoints and those of minorities such as the LGBTQ may express themselves free from the fear of their life. – Jim Watkins
Ayda Field If it was up to Rob we would be eating Nandos and salad cream, morning, noon and night! – Ayda Field
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