Andy Ngo I want people to be confronted by the brutality of the Antifa movement. – Andy Ngo Antifa Quotes Brutality Quotes Confronted Quotes Movement Quotes People Quotes At an Antifa event meant to resist ‘fascist violence,’ I – a gay journalist of color – was beaten so badly that I was hospitalized for a brain hemorrhage. I got into journalism, actually, when I started my graduate program at Portland State and ended up becoming the multimedia editor of the student paper and covered very uninteresting stories on campus: this culture event, dance night.
Alberto Del Rio In Mexico, luchadores, the wrestlers, are the only Mexican superheroes. And to keep the mystery behind the mask is really important. – Alberto Del Rio
Reggie Fils-Aime We respect all of our competitors, and when I talk about our competitors, all of our competitors for entertainment time and leisure time. – Reggie Fils-Aime
AmazingNatalie Martinez I wanted to deliver babies and become a midwife. I think childbirth is one of the most amazing things you could ever experience, and I loved working with people and seeing the joys in family when they welcome a new member to it. It really brought me joy to be around that. – Natalie Martinez
Sasha Lane I don’t know anything about the film industry. I thought I knew films, but apparently, I don’t know films or people! – Sasha Lane
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