Henry Kravis I want people who will stand up to me. People who are not afraid to say exactly what’s on their minds, even though that’s probably not what I want to hear. That’s what I want. – Henry Kravis Afraid Quotes Hear Quotes Minds Quotes People Quotes Stand Quotes It used to be that you would go in to see a CEO, and you would ask them, ‘Is your company for sale?’ and if they said ‘No, we have no interest in selling,’ that was sort of the end of the conversation. I have, in my partner George Roberts, a person who is the most wonderful man in the world to me. He’s like a brother to me. Creating with him, being side by side with him, in whatever we try to do, is a real pleasure to me.
Jason Derulo I had a lil’ chub-chub moment from ages 7 to 11. If somebody was teasing, they’d go straight to my fat. I was so insecure, I kept my shirt on in the pool, which is the worst because it sticks to your stomach anyway. – Jason Derulo
Chris HarrisonTruth The truth is that the right decision often can’t be led with either head or heart exclusively. – Chris Harrison
Dean Ambrose I think NXT has opened up the doors for a lot of guys to come in and create different opportunities. – Dean Ambrose
Marianne WilliamsonRelationship Relationships are eternal. The ‘separation’ is another chapter in the relationship. Often, letting go of the old form of the relationship becomes a lesson in pure love much deeper than any would have learned had the couple stayed together. – Marianne Williamson
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