John Landgraf I want the humans to be able to hold their own against the strength of the machines. – John Landgraf Hold Quotes Humans Quotes Machines Quotes Strength Quotes I’m not interested in world domination. I’m interested in running a nice little brand that takes care of its own and does really good work. I’m an Amazon Prime member. I subscribe to Netflix and Hulu, and they have great user interfaces and some excellent original programs. But what truly distinguishes all three of these services is the utility of their vast libraries of acquired content, which also is a part of what makes each a platform, even if it has a ‘house brand,’ too.
Phil Elverum Profound thoughts and profound experiences get revealed to be tricks that we play on ourselves, and poetry gets revealed to be just, like, some dumb words that somebody put in an interesting order. – Phil Elverum
Caroline Shaw I was curious about experimenting with different colors – kind of like having an expanded orchestra. Suddenly, instead of just writing for strings, you can add bassoon and oboe and brass. I like these extreme differences in sounds right next to each other. – Caroline Shaw
Frankie Boyle The Labour party has, from the beginning, been made up of diverse factions; that’s its beauty – asking it to become cohesive is like trying to find one shampoo that will care for the hair of everybody in Angelina Jolie’s house. – Frankie Boyle
Pamela Druckerman How hard or easy it is to raise kids, especially while working, is a big part of people’s well-being everywhere. – Pamela Druckerman
Benjamin E MaysCommunicationRespectTruth Honest communication is built on truth and integrity and upon respect of the one for the other. – Benjamin E Mays
Jennifer Beals Certainly from the rehearsal process with Elizabeth I think it was very clear. Well let me start again. We were initially supposed to be more combative. – Jennifer Beals
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