Sonakshi SinhaWedding I want to be a simple bride when I get married. I want a beach wedding where I am running around on the sand in a white dress. – Sonakshi Sinha Beach Quotes Bride Quotes Dress Quotes Married Quotes Running Quotes Sand Quotes Simple Quotes Wedding Quotes White Quotes I like Shane and Falguni Peacock. I keep telling girls that if I marry them, I’ll buy them wedding trousseau from Peacock. I want John Legend to sing at my wedding.
Ed Greenwood When, who, and what things happen to becomes meaningful, then what happens starts to matter, and play can evoke strong emotions, fierce and ongoing urges to succeed, and a desire to leave a mark, drive meaningful change, or build lasting institutions. – Ed Greenwood
Ryan Guzman Girls come up to me and start crying. Or they’re so nervous, they are shaking. Some have tried to sneak grabs of my abs and my butt! – Ryan Guzman
Smriti Mandhana I am in a frame where I want to enjoy cricket. Of course, I think about my game: how I got out, what I could have done better. But that I think for half-an-hour and that’s enough. – Smriti Mandhana
Emanuel Steward I started boxing when I was eight. I enjoyed when I could hit someone and they couldn’t hit me back. It was like a game for me. The feeling of knocking someone out. My first knockout victory was when I was ten. He went down and his nose started to bleed, so they stopped it. – Emanuel Steward
Sarah Michelle Gellar Buffy’s very similar to me to me when I was growing up. A child in an adult world, sort of trapped between the two. Does Buffy go to the prom or does she save the world from demons? – Sarah Michelle Gellar
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