Scooter Braun I want to build an asset-driven business, and I want to make my clients a part of everything I’m doing. Go into the branding business, consumer products, food, apparel. We need to expand in those places. – Scooter Braun Apparel Quotes Assetdriven Quotes Branding Quotes Build Quotes Business Quotes Clients Quotes Consumer Quotes Expand Quotes Food Quotes Products Quotes The biggest pieces of my business are not public. Maybe I’ll tell all the details when I’m 50 or 60. My job is to make sure a client doesn’t have any ‘what if’s – to make sure, when you look back, you don’t say, ‘What if I had done this? What if I had done that?’
Amy SchumerHumor I’ve always been really dark, and drawn to darker humor. Nothing has been forced, and I don’t say anything for shock value. – Amy Schumer
Mary MacLane I never give my real self. I have a hundred sides, and I turn first one way and then the other. I am playing a deep game. I have a number of strong cards up my sleeve. I have never been myself, excepting to two friends. – Mary MacLane
Ritesh Agarwal We have, at various levels, invented how hospitality experiences would look like. At lot of levels, we have transformed how the hospitality experience would be by processes and technology. – Ritesh Agarwal
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