Boots Riley I want to fight the McCarthyist state that’s developing in this country so my kids won’t live in a world where people are afraid to speak out. – Boots Riley Afraid Quotes Country Quotes Developing Quotes Fight Quotes Kids Quotes Live Quotes Mccarthyist Quotes People Quotes Speak Quotes I’ve gotten stopped for reckless eyeballing, for staring too hard. These officers think they’re Tarzan and this is a jungle, that all the animals need to be tamed. A record is a commodity, but so is a hamburger. Just because I work at McDonald’s doesn’t mean I reap the benefits of that commodity. That’s the reality with most artists in the record industry: They’re getting paid a subsistence wage so they can keep producing a commodity for the record label.
Noah Centineo I think Selena Gomez seems like one of the coolest people ever. And she’s, like, an activist as well, and clearly she loves love and is a loving person. I don’t know if it’s clear because I don’t know her, but it feels that way. – Noah Centineo
ComputersJason Calacanis The future of television is not on television but online. A majority of us are turning to our computers and mobile devices for news and entertainment, Millennials especially. – Jason Calacanis
Dean Potter I’m addicted to the heightened awareness I get when there’s a death consequence. My vision is sharper, and I’m more sensitive to sounds, my sense of balance and the beauty all around me. A lot of my creativity comes from this nearly insane obsession. Something sparkles in my mind, and then nothing else in life matters. – Dean Potter
Chris Bohjalian My personal opinion is that, if you’re a professional writer, that you do have quotas. So every day I do try to write 800-1,200 words. I don’t always achieve it, and the reality is that a lot of the words I write will end up on the cutting-room floor. – Chris Bohjalian
Daniel Barenboim The problem with listening to music today is that there’s so much of it everywhere. We’ve got used to hearing music without actually listening to it. – Daniel Barenboim
Rahul Gandhi I want the Congress to become an instrument for dialogue among the Indian people – all of us, from all corners of our great country, all religions, all ethnicities, all ages, genders and people – and for our dialogue to always be led by love and affection. – Rahul Gandhi
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