John Calipari I want to thank all the assistants and staff who have worked for us over the years, as well as the people in the community who have added value to our lives. – John Calipari Assistants Quotes Community Quotes Lives Quotes People Quotes Staff Quotes Everybody wants to say that Kentucky fans are vicious or obnoxious. They’re not. They’re crazy in that they watch the tape of our games more than I do. But they’re passionate and smart. I want to thank the people at UMass, Memphis, and Kentucky for giving Ellen and I an opportunity to coach at three great institutions.
Jacques Rivette And Twin Peaks, the Film is the craziest film in the history of cinema. I have no idea what happened, I have no idea what I saw, all I know is that I left the theater floating six feet above the ground. – Jacques Rivette
Harper Reed We see these wonderful apps that really have changed our world in many good ways such as Uber or Airbnb, but at the same time, they’re drastically changing the workforce. And they’re changing them so much that the industries themselves are not able to keep up. – Harper Reed
FriendshipPope Benedict XVI Today, I, too, wish to reaffirm that I intend to continue on the path toward improved relations and friendship with the Jewish people, following the decisive lead given by John Paul II. – Pope Benedict XVI
Neel Mukherjee I don’t read my books, so I don’t allow myself the dangerous luxury of toying with the idea of doing things differently. – Neel Mukherjee
B D Wong Maybe there are logical reasons for a gay person not to have a great relationship with their parents – not because there’s a parent who made him gay, but just because it may be difficult to understand everything. – B D Wong
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