David BoreanazSports I wanted to play sports my whole life. That’s all I really wanted to do. – David Boreanaz Life Quotes Play Quotes Sports Quotes We might not make what athletes in other sports make, but we have greater longevity and we do have certain freedoms to do things they can’t do. Like stay home one week and play the next week. The judges are trying to make the sports as safe as possible and I was just sorry they thought it necessary to consider me dangerous.
Robert Carlyle A lot of Scots have settled in Canada over the years and it’s a very easy place for Scots – they understand us, we understand them. – Robert Carlyle
Piet Mondrian The most advanced minds as well as the least advanced are obliged to use the same words. If we adopt new words, it will be even more difficult – if not impossible – to make ourselves understood. The new man must therefore express himself in conventional language. – Piet Mondrian
Katie Pavlich The pro-life movement is and has been led by women for decades. The history of the movement shows this, despite the current narrative about men ‘controlling’ or making laws about women’s bodies. – Katie Pavlich
Daryl Hall I had the idea of ‘Live From Daryl’s House’ way before I contracted Lyme disease. – Daryl Hall
Marsha Blackburn On energy, we should be exploring for domestic sources of energy. – Marsha Blackburn
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