Arlo Parks I wanted to really delve into the idea of reckoning with difficult things in one’s past – and celebrating the joyful things, and honoring the stories that have made me who I am. – Arlo Parks Celebrating Quotes Delve Quotes Difficult Quotes Honoring Quotes Idea Quotes Joyful Quotes Reckoning Quotes Stories Quotes It’s got to be speciality coffee or nothing. I love posh coffee but I have lattes with sugar, so I’m not a purist at all, but it has to be specific or it’s just not worth it to me. As I’m writing a song, I focus on the music and try not to let my mind wander too much, but if I do think of any visual moments or references that I think would connect nicely, I’ll make a note of it.
Matt Lauer I get letters from women, and they say, ‘I love your Roman nose.’ If I weren’t on TV and I walked past that same woman, she’d go, ‘Did you see the beak on that guy? – Matt Lauer
Maya AngelouTruth There’s a world of difference between truth and facts. Facts can obscure the truth. – Maya Angelou
Glennon Doyle MeltonWedding We are all trained by Disney to believe that the wedding is the finish line, but the wedding is just another starting line. In light of this fact, we should quit the huge, fancy, debt-inducing weddings. – Glennon Doyle Melton
Damien Hirst I’ve been asked to do a retrospective since I was about 28 and I always thought that was a bit odd. It’s great to look forward as an artist because in the future the possibilities are infinite; you look back and it’s all fixed so it’s a scary thing. – Damien Hirst
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