Lindsay Ellis I wanted to write a first contact thing and I vaguely knew I wanted it to be in a beating the beast vein. – Lindsay Ellis Beast Quotes Beating Quotes Contact Quotes Vaguely Quotes Vein Quotes Write Quotes I’m always happy to be in Ireland in general, it’s one of my favorite places. I always thought of YouTube as this super-finite thing where trends ebb and flow.
Lee Trevino Jack Nicklaus liked to curve the ball by opening or closing the clubface at address. I never felt I was good enough to do it his way. I didn’t like changing my swing path, either, which some guys do. – Lee Trevino
Salim Akil My mother, Betty, was an entertainer – she opened up for James Brown, Ike and Tina Turner – and I had an uncle who would work as a chef in a restaurant, 6-foot-3 or 6-foot-4. I was young, so he could have been shorter, but in my mind, that’s how tall he was. – Salim Akil
FailureKristen Stewart I mean, I love L.A. – I love living here. But I wish that we could make things without the need to hit a home run every single time. It’s a unique thing to Hollywood that if you don’t do that every time, then you’re considered a failure. But it’s like, ‘Well, are you making movies to be successful? Or are you making movies to learn something?’ – Kristen Stewart
Lion Feuchtwanger I have always made an effort to render every detail of my reality with the greatest accuracy; but I have never paid attention to whether my presentation of historical facts was an exact one. – Lion Feuchtwanger
Irving Kirsch The one thing we do know is that the chemical imbalance theory – the theory that people get depressed when they don’t have enough serotonin in their brain – we know that that’s wrong. – Irving Kirsch
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