Jesmyn Ward I wanted to write about the experiences of the poor and the black and the rural people of the South. – Jesmyn Ward Black Quotes Experiences Quotes People Quotes Poor Quotes Rural Quotes South Quotes Write Quotes People ask me about staying here. I think they assume that I wouldn’t want to come back to a place like Mississippi, which is so backward and which frustrates me a lot. The responsibility that I feel to tell these stories about the people and the place that I’m from is what pulls me back. In the past, I travelled with ‘The Hero and the Crown’ by Robin McKinley: I suffer from a fear of flying, and I felt a bit safer knowing I carried the book and characters with me.
Rush Limbaugh To change the media, you’re gonna have to totally throw out every journalism school and get rid of everybody in every newsroom, and then you’re gonna have to change the grade school and middle school and high school curriculum. – Rush Limbaugh
Paul Heyman WrestleMania is an experience. It’s an overall ride, its ups and its downs and its curves and its music. It’s presentation, and it’s emotion, and it’s paying tribute to the past and progressing the product into the future. It’s career-defining moments for people who live for career-defining moments. – Paul Heyman
Joe Haldeman No person can escape Einsteinian relativity, and no soldier or veteran can escape the trauma of war’s dislocation. – Joe Haldeman
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