Alice Merton I wanted to write an upbeat song where I could feel good about the fact that I’ve moved around so much and not sad about all the goodbyes I’ve had to face. – Alice Merton Feel Quotes Goodbyes Quotes Moved Quotes Sad Quotes Song Quotes Upbeat Quotes Write Quotes Every time someone asks me where I’m from, I’m not sure how to answer that question… so I say I have no roots. Being an artist and a human in this world always means confronting people who make you feel like you have to act according to their rules.
MoviesNivin Pauly If a film becomes successful, the actor is blamed for being commercial and not having a true love for movies. When we do serious films, we will be blamed for not planning our career properly. I believe that what one should do is to make good cinema and try to make it successful. – Nivin Pauly
Stephen Hunter Having a better and more productive life than my monster father has been my most significant accomplishment. – Stephen Hunter
Sid MeierTechnology Our approach to making games is to find the fun first and then use the technology to enhance the fun. – Sid Meier
Kathy Freston Personally, I enjoy a bowl of brown rice for breakfast most of the time. – Kathy Freston
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